Malaysians, regardless of race, has become complacent. What I mean by complacent is that Malaysians will always expect the government to handle their problems and to protect their futures. We kinda like a spoilt brat who always assume our parents knows best and will protect us and solve any mischievous things that we have done. We as a nation have put too much faith in politicians and MPs to solve our problems. Why I came to this conclusion is based on the recent events that occured lately. The oil price hike, food price increase, the toll increase, the general election, and even our deterioting relationship with different races in the country has been pinpointed to the government (more so to Pak Lah).
I am not defending the government here but it seems that we blame the government on almost everything. We have to realise that many problems occured today cannot be solved by the government (They are humans anyway). The MP can quarrel from dusk till dawn in the parliament, but in reality it is really up to us to solve our own problem. We have developed a entitlement mentality whereby we always expect the government's handout to solve our problem. With all the complaints on the government for the food price increase, we still have extra money to vote for our favourite singer in reality tv such as Akademi Fantasia, One in a million, Gangstarz and etc. We complaint about the flash flood occured in the city but yet some of us still throw away thrashes in the drain. We blame the government about the racial disunity but actually it is really up to us to bring that racial divide closer. Simple, start being nice and trustworthy to each other. Changes are occuring everywhere in the world and not just Malaysia. On my personal view, we are at the tipping point of either another global recession similar to the 1930's or something entirely new. When it happens, if we are not ready, we have only ourselves to blame.
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