
Friday, April 17, 2009

Politics is all about perception

If you watch closely all Anwar Ibrahim's speeches, you can see the pattern of his speeches. He tends to repeat the same topics that he knows people would like to hear. He will also know what keywords that triggers the emotion of people and audiences. He also knows what keywords that are current and sensational. Such keywords are like 'altantunya', 'price hike', 'toll hike', etc and he rarely uses bombactic words. As for the leaders of UMNO / BN, you can see that their speeches are sometimes full of keywords that sometimes feels out of touch of the common people. Eventhough the keywords of their speech is important such as 'knowledge based', 'innovation', 'sustainable development', it rarely touch the heart of the majority of the people. And I am starting to see the same pattern used by our new prime minister, Dato' Seri Najib. He must acknowledged that his main competitor is Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim and he is still winning in terms of creating the perception that he is more closer to the rakyat compared to Najib. If BN wants to win PRU13, perception management must be given due priority. Even the word 'turun padang' is actually an insult to the people. It is very feudalistic and seems to inspire that the minister is sitting on a throne and have to come down from the throne to join the peasants in the field.